Tagged: Covid

What Counts as a “Perk” During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

What Counts as a “Perk” During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Companies have offered benefits to employees, including executive officers, to enable them to continue their work and otherwise to make their lives easier during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Now the SEC has released additional guidance as to when these benefits constitute perquisites or personal benefits that should be included in executive compensation for proxy disclosure purposes.  See Question 219.05 of the SEC’s Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations. ...

SEC Creates New File Transfer System for Supplemental Materials and Rule 83 Confidential Treatment Requests

SEC Creates New File Transfer System for Supplemental Materials and Rule 83 Confidential Treatment Requests

The SEC announced last week that in light of COVID-19 concerns, the Division of Corporation Finance is providing a temporary secure file transfer process for the submission of (i) supplemental materials that are requested by the SEC about registrants and their registration statements, reports and activities pursuant to Rules 418 and 12b-4 and (ii) information subject to Rule 83 confidential treatment requests. Rule 83 requests...